Genes, Cancer and Nutrition
The Second Edition
Author:Professor Dr Ahmed Abdulla Thabet
Publisher: The Yusuf Bin Ahmed Kanoo Award
Publication Date: 2011
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After the Introduction, the book consists of Eleven Titles and ends with a list of twenty references in English. The book contains 299 pages.

The book is a new addition to the Arabic Library, and it has made it easier for researchers in the field of cancer, the dangerous disease, to find ways to combat this disease through what the author explained in the Chapters and Titles of the book about chromosomes and genes in the cell nucleus in terms of their chemical structures and the common relationship between them. He also presents in detail the stages of cell growth and division and the relationship between genes and the genes responsible for cell growth and division.

The book mentioned the reasons for the transformation of normal genes responsible for growth and division of cells into cancerous genes. It also explained the reasons and whether they are hereditary or resulting from physical, chemical and biological factors to which the person is exposed. Then he explained the locations of some of these genes on the different chromosomes, and presented the main differences between normal cells and cancer cells, in terms of their shapes, specifications, nature of growth, and the latent dangers behind the spread of cancer cells in the body.

The book also discusses foods and their relationship to cancerous growths, and devotes a complete study to how to treat cancerous diseases. The author presented a statistic on cancer cases and their types in Palestine. Dr Ahmed Thabet, based on his specialisation, indicated that cancer may be in the skin, liver, lung tissues, bladder, stomach, or any of the body’s various tissues.

He touched on canned foods to which many foreign substances are added to preserve them for a longer period, prevent them from spoiling, and give them a certain characteristic desired by the consumer, and the role of these substances in changing the composition of growth and division genes and the appearance of cancerous proliferations when eating these foods.

You will find all of the above, dear reader, detailed in Eleven Titles that the author derived from important and various references in this book, including the Internet. He arranged, organised and drafted the information he collected in a way that we hope will be of the desired benefit and appropriateness for the Arab reader.

The book is essentially a serious attempt by The Yusuf Bin Ahmed Kanoo Award and a contribution by it to support the march of Arab culture in the Kingdom of Bahrain and the Arab world.