Economic Research Award

Invitation to Participate in the Economic Research Competition

The Yusuf Bin Ahmed Kanoo Award is pleased to announce that (Emerging Technologies and their Applications in Finance, Economics, and Business in Arab countries) will be the subject of its 12th Edition Economic Research Competition (2024 - 2025).

Economic Research Focus:
Submissions should demonstrate the practical application of emerging technologies, with a focus on Al, to foster economic and social well-being of Arab societies. Submissions should not only explore opportunities, but also challenges and constraints for the application and utilization of emerging technologies in finance, economics, and business in Arab countries, and outline practical strategies to overcome these challenges and maximize their benefits. Case studies are highly encouraged to provide real-world context.

Submission Requirements:

  1.     Originality: The research must be original and unpublished.
  2.     Uniqueness: The work must not have been previously submitted for any other award.
  3.     Regional Focus: The research should concentrate on the application of emerging technologies within the finance, economics, and business sectors of Arab countries.
  4.     Structure: 
    • Abstract: A summary of 200-300 words.
    • Introduction: Includes background, objectives, and significance of the research.
    • Methodology: Detailed explanation of the research methods used.
    • Findings: Presentation of key research findings.
    • Discussion: Analysis of findings and potential implications.
    • Conclusion: Summary of the research impact on the Arab region.
    • Recommendations: Main recommendations of research for moving forward.
    • References: List of sources and references used in the research.
  5.     Submission Format:
    • Research should be submitted in WORD format.
    • Length should not exceed 10,000 words.
    • Language of research could be either Arabic or English.
    • A soft copy including the researcher’s C.V. and a recent photo is to be sent to:
    • A hard copy including the researcher’s C.V. and a recent photo is to be sent to the
      • Kanoo Award Address:
      • Office: 121 - Floor: 12 -  Road: 1703 -  Entrance: 155 - Block: 317 - Kanoo Tower- Diplomatic Area-  Kingdom of Bahrain

Cash prize: $ 30,000

Submission Date: 15th of July 2025

To participate in the award, please click on Register